I married him
But wanted you.
I yearned for your voice
In every empty space.
I screamed your name
Into the blacked sky.
And only God heard
My heartbreaking cry.
Wanting to be together
But fated to live apart.
You were my loving Romeo
And I your damsel Juliet.
You were Lucifer
Casted from the heavens,
For loving
The wife of god.
I was the wife of Samual,
Perhaps Adam too.
Cursed by God, himself
To be Queen of the damned.
All for loving
The brightest star
In God's
Darkest sky.
I cursed myself
By loving you.
For bending
To you touch.
I was a victim
To your charm.
You snake,
I let you in.
You entered
Into my garden
And fed me
All your lies.
I hoped he would show
Some mercy,
That loving God
Living in our sky.
Instead he ruled in hate,
And despair.
Perhaps I broke
His heart worse
And he wanted
Some revenge.
For I was the wife of God
Not the measly mortals called men.
Born to the garden of Eden
The same dirt as your first man.
I am the harlot of Babylon.
The serpent that slithered to Eve.
I poisoned your tree of knowledge
And caused your women to leave.
Teach your daughters to fear me
For I will turn them on you.
I am the mother of darkness,
Of vampire and witches too.
My name
Is Queen Lilith
And I do not
Bow to you.